Melissa Wood Tepperberg

I have to admit, when I first saw this ball of smiley laughing sunshine, I wasn't sure I bought it. But after I watched a little longer, I realized she was just being authentically herself. And what's wrong with that? Not to mention that while she's promoting a healthy way of life, she doesn't push it. She supports doing what's best for you and being yourself. I do her meditations, which I love, and if I can ever bring myself to complete a home workout, I'm definitely going to try Melissa's. She's a baller to me. She's a mom, a business owner, and truly helping people make little changes every day to help them feel their best. How baller is that?!

fun stuff

A: gold!

A: Earrings! Over bracelets, rings & necklaces.

A: "You get to choose."

A: I'm not a big dessert person but love a cappuccino after dinner.

A: A Heron.

A: Besides my family, meditation.

meaningful q's

A: I'm motivated by the Melissa I've become.

A: My heart.

A: I'm one of 6 kids.

A: Pilates is enough.